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Anti-venom serums

The Anti-venom serums can be considered one of the most important scienst researches in the last century.

The first antivenom for snakes (called an antiophidic serum) was developed by Albert Calmette, a French scientist of the Pasteur Institute in 1895.

Clodomiro Picado Twight was a pioneer scientist in the researching of snakes and serpent venoms in Costa Rica and Central America. He was really worried for the farmer. In that time a lot of them died for snakebite. Costa Rica, gave him a scholar ship to study in the Louis Pasteur Institute.

Picado was born in Jinotepe, Nicaragua in 1877 but his family move to Costa Rica.

Antivenom is created by milking venom from the desired snake, spider or insect and then diluted and injected into a horse at the beginning Pasteur scientist started injecting in horses then they changed the animal for sheep, rabbit, or goat but at the end they return to inject into horse because it has an immune response powerful and increase the production of antibodies.

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