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My pet

Milu is my pet name; she was a stray dog living in a box. She was founded in a lot next to my house. She was living there for several days. Every morning while I opened the garage door she came to me moving the tail. One day my wife said I would like to adopt a pet so she took it and bathed. We went the next Saturday to buy a house a food, container even a mattress dog.

My wife said one day Milu stomach is too big and guess what she was pregnant. We went to the veterinarian and he said in two weeks she will be mom. She was looking for a birth place and she chose the lot next to my house. She was already pregnant when we adopted.

Milu had four baby’s all of them founded a new family. Now Milu have more time to get fun. She love travel by car. She enjoy putting the face outside de windows.

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